Cultivating flour since 1780

High-Quality Supply Chain

Since 2007, we have sought out and signed supply chain contracts with our farmers and commercial partners which allow us to guarantee the sources of our raw materials, thus guaranteeing our customers a range of healthy, high-quality 0 km products. This approach constitutes our High-Quality Supply Chain project.

In addition to our internal supply chains, we also procure around 18,000 tonnes of carefully selected special wheat thanks to agreements with the Consorzi Agrari d’Italia group of farming consortia. We select our special wheat in Umbria and from other national consortia belonging to the group. Thanks to our High-Quality Supply Chain, we are able to guarantee — including in the form of a signed declaration of quality for any client who requests one — that the flours we supply contain no added chemical constituents, and have been produced by processing grains from Umbria through a traceable supply chain.

Farmers by nature

We are proud of our land, our values, our history. What drives us is the pride we feel in generations of dedication to transforming the produce that nature’s bounty offers us.

Natural Flours

Our strength and our greatest pride lie in offering natural, high-quality, authentic products that fully satisfy the needs of our clients/consumers.


It’s not for nothing that Umbria sits at the heart of Italy. It’s also the heartland of flavours, fine food and good wine. Our family knows that well, which is why we work hard to protect and pass down the agri-food tradition rooted in our lands. A valuable tradition, and possibly our oldest.


Satisfying current needs without jeopardising those of the future, using all the resources that nature provides with maximum efficiency, starting with the soil itself and throughout the entire life cycle of the foods we produce, while always creating value and centring the quality of the products and the well-being of people.

This is the meaning of Farchioni’s “Farmhouse Sustainability”

Working the land and harvesting, processing and packaging agri-food products while avoiding any waste, so as to limit the need for cleaning and recycling, are all guiding principles underlying the farming economy. Farchioni has drawn up sustainability reports since 2020 and is the first oil-producing company to have a certified sustainability report integrated into all of its agricultural productions and their related production processes.

Our Mill has never stopped grinding since 1780

A dream is like a house: if you want it to be strong and sturdy, it needs solid foundations.
For us, it all began when the millstone in a little mill began turning and grinding for the first time, signalling the start of oil and flour production.
That’s where the dream began to come true.

Over time, we have embraced all the classic elements of Umbrian agriculture, like cereals, olives and grapes, to create products famous for their quality while always fully respecting the environment around us.

Nothing of value is built in a rush, so for years we have been working hard on a series of activities with the aim of offering our clients high-quality, 0 km products of real excellence, with respect for people and for the land that brings us the produce.

Creating edible art

Inside our mill, we have a bread-making workshop where we organise training and experimentation courses at least three times a year with the help of members of the Giovani Panificatori Farchioni group of young bread-makers.
Lately, we’ve tried out bread for vegans, special spring bread and, most recently, summer breads with colourings obtained exclusively from vegetable extracts (red beets, purple carrots, spinach and turmeric).

Our Artists

Mario Maurizi

Mario Maurizi

Pietro Barone

Pietro Barone

Giovanni Maione

Giovanni Maione

Fabio Ferrara

Fabio Ferrara

Francesco Ceresi

Francesco Ceresi

Adriano Albanesi

Adriano Albanesi

Antonio Mancini

Antonio Mancini

Diego Ermo

Diego Ermo

Natural Flours

This is the heritage that gives rise to the different Farchioni flours, suitable for many uses. The classic flour is made from selected Umbrian grains, processed using a traditional method, while the flour for pizza allows for long rising times and processing with natural yeast.